Trendelenburg's sign

From WikiLectures


Leaning of the pelvis when the innervation of abductors and internal rotators in the hip is affected. This is mainly a weakening of the gluteus medius muscle and the gluteus minimus muscle in superior gluteus nerve paralysis or L5 radiculopathy. These muscles normally act as pelvic stabilizers. When standing on the affected lower limb, the pelvis tilts towards the healthy side due to their weakening. When walking, it creates a typical image of the so-called duck walk = Trendelenburg gait.

Morbus Perthes is manifested by Trendelenburg's sign. Changing the position of the trochanter and muscles.

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  • VOKURKA, Martin. Velký lékařský slovník. 7. edition. Maxdorf, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7345-130-1.