Appendicitis in pregnancy

From WikiLectures

Appendicitis rarely occurs during pregnancy most often around the 3rd month of pregnancy. It threatens the life of the mother and the fetus. During pregnancy, due to hormones, the appendix is ​​congested and soaked, it is more easily susceptible to gangrene. Protrusion caecum and its isolation by the uterus does not allow the inflammation to be limited, it easily transfers to the uterus and leads to its contractions.

Diagnostics[edit | edit source]

Diagnosis is difficult because uterus interferes with the examination, displacing the worm from its normal position. From the 4th month, the point of pain moves upwards (in the 8th-9th month, it lies under the arch of the ribs). In addition, some symptoms of appendicitis are normal during pregnancy - nausea, vomiting, peristaltic disorders, tachycardia. Another important symptom of peritoneal irritationídéfense musculaire, as the uterus prevents contact with the peritoneum.

  • Alders' test – we turn the pregnant woman onto her left side with constant pressure on the painful area, if the pain stops, it is of uterine origin and does not indicate appendicitis.
  • Sitkovski's sign - on the contrary, when turning over on the right side, pain appears in the ileocecal area, this indicates appendicitis.

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References[edit | edit source]

  • ČECH, Evžen – HÁJEK, Zdeněk – MARŠÁL, Karel, et al. Porodnictví. 2. edition. Grada, 2006. 544 pp. ISBN 80-247-1303-9.
  • Quadruplets of developed questions according to the study materials of J. Beneš, L. Mikšík, e-learning and the book: BRECKWOLDT, Meinert. Gynekologie a porodnictví. 1. edition. Martin : Osveta, 1997. 648 pp. ISBN 80-88824-56-7.
  • BRECKWOLDT, Meinert. Gynekologie a porodnictví. 1. edition. Martin : Osveta, 1997. 648 pp. ISBN 80-88824-56-7.