Complications of otitis media

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Due to available medical care and antibiotics, the incidence of mesotitis complications is relatively low. They most often arise as a complication of 'chronic mesotitis with cholesteatoma.

An infection can "'spread'" from the middle ear in several ways:

  1. by innate preformed paths;
  2. obtained by preformed paths;
  3. usuri in the bone;
  4. in osteothrombophlebitis.

In general, complications can be divided into:

  • otological';
  • intracranial.

Otological complications[edit | edit source]

Coalescent mastoiditis[edit | edit source]

Searchtool right.svg For more information see Mastoiditis.

Petrositida[edit | edit source]

  • This is inflammation of the glomeruli of the pyramid' and the formation of an abscessed deposit. Nowadays, this complication occurs only rarely.
  • Clinically, we describe the so-called Gradenig syndrome, which includes fever, otorrhea, retrobulbar pain and diplopia.
  • 'CT is mainly used in diagnostics.
  • Treatment consists of the administration of antibiotics', in case of failure, surgical intervention can be performed (mastoidectomy, petrosectomy).

Paresis of the facial nerve[edit | edit source]

Labyrinthitis[edit | edit source]

We distinguish 3 forms of labyrinthitis':

  1. Perilabyrinthitis: In perilabyrinthitis, the cholesteatoma damages the bony capsule of the labyrinth and creates a labyrinthine fistula, which can be visualized by HRCT. The inner ear is not infected. The dominant symptom is vertigo.
  2. Serous labyrinthitis: As a result of the penetration of microorganisms or their toxins into the inner ear, a reversible inflammation occurs. Clinical symptoms include tinnitus, hypacusia (perceptual defect).
  3. Suppurative labyrinthitis': It is caused by the penetration of virulent microorganisms into the inner ear. The clinical picture' is severe - severe vertigo, tinnitus, nausea, vomitus, nystagmus, balance disorders. The great danger lies in the possibility of the infection spreading to the brain and cerebellum - the condition needs to be dealt with immediately (ATB, labyrinthectomy). The inevitable consequence of the disease is deafness.

Residues post otitis media[edit | edit source]

  • Atrophy, atelectasis of the tympanic membrane, calcareous incrustations, perforation.

Intracranial complications[edit | edit source]

Intracranial complications include:

  • meningitis;
  • 'thrombophlebitis of the ace-shaped raft
    • usually a complication of mastoiditis, first a perisinusoidal abscess develops, then a mural thrombus, which becomes infected and spreads retrogradely and anterogradely,
    • leads to bacteremia and the formation of secondary abscesses in the lungs, endocardium and brain,
    • treatment is surgical - mastoidectomy and removal of the float;
  • epidural or brain abscess,
  • subdural empyema.

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References[edit | edit source]

  • KLOZAR, Jan. Special otorhinolaryngology. 1. edition. Galen, 2005. 224 pp. ISBN 80-7262-346-X.

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