Lengths and circumferences of the lower limb

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We measure the length and circumference of the lower limb lying down with a tape measure. We measure both lower limbs, then the results are compared.

Lower Extremity Lengths[edit | edit source]

Lengths of the lower limb
  proximal point distal point
functional (relative) length of the lower limb spina iliaca anterior superior malleolus medialis
anatomical length of the lower limb trochanter major malleolus lateralis
length of the lower limb with pelvic asymmetry umbilicus malleolus medialis
thigh length trochanter major cleft knee joint
leg length cleft of the knee joint malleolus lateralis
leg heel longest toe
Lengths and circumferences of the lower limb

Examination of the length of the lower limbs according to Ludmila Mojžíšová[edit | edit source]

This simple examination belongs to the more indicative ones, when we need to compare the length of the lower limbs in a relatively short time, for example after operations total endoprosthesis of the hip joint and knee joints.

  • The starting position is the patient lying on his stomach, toes over the couch.
  • We monitor and compare:
    • heel plane;
    • line under malleolus lateralis;
    • line of knees.
  • We then passively bend the patient's knees to 90° flexion by grasping the instep and then observe:
    • heel plane;
    • knee height;
    • length of lower leg (difference in heel height);
  • femur length (the difference in the distance between the knee joints when viewed from the side).

Circumferences of the lower limb[edit | edit source]

Circumferences of the lower limb
measurement segment measurement location
thigh adults 10 cm above the patella, children 5 cm
knee joint in the middle of the patella
below the knee joint over tuberositas tibiae
calf in its strongest place (approx. 10 cm below the knee joint)
above the ankles above the malleolus medialis et lateralis
instep, heel over the heel and bends the ankle
MP joints shoe measure

Links[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  • HALADOVÁ, Eve – NECHVÁTALOVÁ, Ludmila. Investigative methods of the locomotor system. 2. edition. Brno : National Center for Nursing and Non-Medical Health Professions, 2008. ISBN 80-7013-393-7.
  • GROSS, Jeffrey M – FETTO, Joseph. Examination of the musculoskeletal system :  translation of the second English edition. 1. edition. Prague : Triton, 2005. ISBN 80-7254-720-8.