Mimicry Muscles

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All facial muscles are innervated from n. facialis (N. VII).

Oral cleft muscles[edit | edit source]

Musculus orbicularis oris[edit | edit source]

  • movable lip filler;
  • pars labialis (internal - on the lips);
  • pars marginalis (external - near the bones).
  • Features:
    • slight contraction (pars labialis) – pursed lips;
    • stronger contraction (pars marginalis) - lip thrust forward;
    • edges – connection of other muscles (lat. from corner – nodal point of crossing of muscle bundles) (increased amount of ligaments with tendon bundles), skin sunken.

From above and from the lateral side of med. → lat.[edit | edit source]

  • m. levator labii superioris (together with m. levator labii superioris alaque nasi from the edge of the orbit);
  • m. zygomaticus minor - from os zygomaticum to sulcus nasolabialis;
  • m. zygomaticus major - from the os zygomaticum to the corner of the mouth;
  • m. levator anguli oris (m. caninus) - from the fossa canina - facies anterior maxillae to the nodal point - raises the angle;
  • m. risorius - from the fascia massetrica to the nodal point.

From below[edit | edit source]

  • m. depressor anguli oris - m. triangularis (edge of the mandible - nodal point);
  • m. depressor labii inferioris - m. quadratus labii inferioris (from the edge of the mandible to the m. orbicularis oris and skin);
  • m. mentalis - in the middle of the chin (mandible - the end of the root of the external incisor) to the skin of the lip.
  • Function: retracts sulcus mentalolabialis.
Nervus facialis and facial muscles

Orbital muscles[edit | edit source]

Muscles of the eye socket and surroundings

Musculus orbicularis oculi[edit | edit source]

  • pars orbitalis (at the bony edge of the eye socket - proc. frontalis maxillae, crista lacrimalis anterior, the inner ligaments of the eyelids) - tight closing of the eyelids;
  • pars palpebralis (in the eyelids) – reflex blink;
  • pars lacrimalis (surrounds the lacrimal sac - expands and compresses).

Musculus procerus[edit | edit source]

  • from the bridge of the nose through the root to the skin of the frontal landscape (affects the transverse furrow at the root of the nose)

Musculus corrugator supercilii[edit | edit source]

  • from the root of the nose to the "m. frontalis and m. orbicularis" - vertical wrinkles on the "glabella".

Muscle depressor supercilii[edit | edit source]

  • from the medial wall of the orbit to the skin of the eyebrows and forehead;
  • pulls the eyebrows mediocaudally

Nose muscles[edit | edit source]

Musculus nasalis[edit | edit source]

  • pars nasalis - the back of the nose;
  • pars alaris - radiates to the wing of the nose.
  • Function: changes the lumen of the nostrils.

M. levator labii superioris alaque nasi - from the edge of the orbit along the nose to the wing of the nose and to the upper lip (pulls both up).

Cranial vault muscles[edit | edit source]

  • the so-called m. epicranius;
    • middle tendon helmet – galea aponeurotica – aponeurosi epicranialis, fused with the skin and weak sparse tissue attached to the periosteum of the calf → can be torn off (scalped);
  • from the frontal m. frontalis (venter frontalis);
  • from the landscape of the occipital m. occipitalis (venter occipitalis), both paired so-called m. occipitofrontalis.
  • to the side m. temporoparietalis (to the axilla).

Muscles of the auricle[edit | edit source]

  • m. auricularis anterior (from the temporal fascia);
  • m. auricularis superior (under m. temporoparietalis to gallea aponeurotica);
  • m. auricularis posterior from proc. mastoid.
  • Function: bolt movement.

Deep layer[edit | edit source]

Musculus buccinator[edit | edit source]

  • muscular base of the cheeks;
  • beginning: raphe pterygomandibularis (buccopharyngea) - tough ligament between hamulus pterygoideus to med. side of the mandible (body-shoulder border);
  • insertion: nodal point at the "m. orbicularis oris";
  • the outlet of the parotid salivary gland (ductus parotideus) + n. buccalis (sens. innervation of the mucous membrane of the face) passes through it;
  • function: presses the cheek against the gums (+ pushes out the contents of the oral vestibule).

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References[edit | edit source]

  • ČIHÁK, Radomír. Anatomy. 2nd revision and additions place = Prague edition. Grada Publishing, 2001. 497 pp. vol. 1. ISBN 80-7169-970-5.
  • GRIM, Miloš – DRUGA, Rastislav. Fundamentals of Anatomy : 1. general anatomy and locomotor system. 1. edition. Galen, 2001. 159 pp. ISBN 9788072621125.