Hepatic cirrhosis is the reconstruction of the lobular structure of the liver into a nodular structure ( hepatocyte death , replaced by connective tissue, the remaining parenchyma regenerates + forms nodules) as a result of chronic liver disease.
Etiology[edit | edit source]
- chronic hepatitis C, B, B + D - posthepatitic cirrhosis ,
- alcoholic liver damage - alcoholic cirrhosis ,
- long-term biliary obstruction - biliary cirrhosis ,
- primary - autoimmune diseases ( antibodies against interlobular bile ducts are formed ),
- secondary - due to prolonged biliary obstruction by tumor or concretion ,
- primary sclerosing cholangitis - autoimmune disease of intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts,
- toxic liver damage ( paracetamol , amatoxin…) - toxic cirrhosis,
- metabolic diseases ( Wilson's disease , α1-antitrypsin deficiency, hemochromatosis , porphyria , CF and others),
- long-lasting venostasis - cirrhosis due to venous congestion,
- unclear etiology - cryptogenic cirrhosis (in 10–15%).
The consequences of liver cirrhosis (and underlying complications) are:
- impaired synthetic function of the liver (especially proteosynthesis ) by the death of hepatocytes - liver insufficiency ,
- portal hypertension .
Complications of cirrhosis [1][edit | edit source]
thumb|vpravo|300px|Mikronodulární jaterní cirhóza
- portal hypertension - congestion in the Vena portae basin, consequences:
- esophageal varices - massive bleeding ( hematemesis , melena )
- ascites - fluid and sodium retention by the kidneys ( hyperaldosteronism - impaired degradation in the liver), hypoproteinemia is less important
- splenomegaly - platelet sequestration in the spleen - thrombocytopenia
reduced resistance to infection (limited blood flow to the liver eliminates liver RES ) - pneumonia , SBP
- bleeding ( hemorrhagic diathesis ) - insufficient synthesis of coagulation factors , hypersplenism with thrombocytopenia
- jaundice - not always expressed
- spider nevi (naevus araneus, extension of the terminal sections of skin arterioles) - especially on the hands, forearms, forehead and front of the chest
- liver failure
- renal failure ( hepatorenal syndrome )
- hepatocellular carcinoma
- hyperestrism - a disorder of the breakdown of estrogen by the liver, excess leads to testicular atrophy and gynecomastia in men, and menstrual disorders and ovarian atrophy in women
- encephalopathy
Clinical picture[edit | edit source]
Hepatic cirrhosis can be asymptomatic for a long time and is diagnosed at random (preventive examinations, abdominal surgery, etc.).
Compensated cirrhosis (latent subclinical)[edit | edit source]
- very reminiscent of chronic hepatitis
- subjectively , patients complain of non-specific symptoms: dyspepsia - feelings of fullness after eating, stool changes; in women menses disorders, hypomenorrhea to amenorrhea
- objectively : hepatosplenomegaly , slow-growing portal hypertension , skin symptoms - spider nevi, manifestations of bleeding, mild perimalleolar swelling , nocturia, sudden hematemesis
Decompensated cirrhosis (advanced)[edit | edit source]
- varied symptomatology
- symptoms of parenchymatous liver disorders (metabolic decompensation) - jaundice , hemorrhagic diathesis , hypoalbuminemia with fluid retention with ascites and edema
- symptoms of advanced portal hypertension (vascular decompensation) - ascites, esophageal varices , portosystemic encephalopathy
- subjectively - insurmountable fatigue, weakness, exhaustion, loss of appetite, weight loss, abdominal enlargement, swelling; in women menses to amenorrhoea disorders, in men decreased libido and potency, gynecomastia, often arthralgia and spine pain
- objectively - patient tired, emaciated (large abdomen, thin limbs), slow reactions (encephalopathy), subfebrile, hypothermia or isothermia, skin pale, often icteric, numerous spider nevi , lips and tongue are red (varnished), palmar erythema on the hands, Dupuytren's contracture , white nails, clubbed fingers , hemorrhagic diathesis (petechiae, hematomas, bleeding from the gums, nose, gynecological), in men the chest hair disappears ( Tail's habitus ), gynecomastia
Physical finding:
- aspects: arching of the right lower jaw , jaundice, spider nevi, palmar erythema, etc.
- palpation: splenomegaly, may be hepatomegaly
- percussion: may be hepatomegaly, evidence of ascites (glacial symptom)
Diagnosis[edit | edit source]
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- anamnesis and physical examination
- laboratory examination
- increased AST and ALT , hyperbilirubinemia
- thrombocytopenia, leukopenia (hypersplenism)
- hypoalbuminemia, hypergammaglobulinemia, ↑ erythrocyte sedimentation
- prolongation of prothrombin time
- decompensation of cirrhosis results in an increase in ammonia and a decrease in uremia
- in biliary cirrhosis, obstructive enzymes ( ALP , GMT )
- hepatitis serology
- autoantibodies in autoimmune cirrhosis
- AFP in the transition to cancer
- imaging methods ( ultrasound or CT of the liver, endoscopy to detect varicose veins)
- liver biopsy
Treatment[edit | edit source]
- influencing the underlying disease – abstinence in alcoholics , treatment of hepatitis , penicillamine in Wilson's disease
- supportive measures – regime measures (alcohol abstinence, omission of hepatotoxic drugs), administration of vitamins A, D, E, [[vitamin K|K], hepatoprotectants, in autoimmune hepatitis (nowhere else) corticoids are given
- liver transplantation
- treatment of complications:
- bleeding from esophageal varices (endoscopic sclerosing or ligation + terlipressin (Remestyp), in case of TIPS failure or surgery, after bleeding GIT and ATB lavage , preventive administration of non-selective β-blockers and nitrates)
- hepatic encephalopathy (restriction of protein intake, lactulose, ATB, administration of branched-chain amino acids )
- ascites (restriction of fluid and salt intake, diuretics (spironolactone + furosemide), puncture, TIPS, shunt)
- hepatorenal syndrome (Remestype in combination with iv albumin)
- hepatocellular carcinoma (surgical resection or radiofrequency ablation, palliative chemoembolism)
Prognosis[edit | edit source]
The Child-Pugh score is used to predict liver cirrhosis.
Score used to evaluate the prognosis of a patient with chronic liver failure. MediaWiki:Lékařská kalkulačka/Child-Pugh
References[edit | edit source]
Related Articles[edit | edit source]
Reference[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Prof. MUDr. Marie Brodanová, DrSc.,MUDr. Tomáš Vaňásek, PhD.,odborná společnost hepatologická,Česká lékařská společnost Jana Evangelisty Purkyně,<>
External links[edit | edit source]
- Cirhóza – video na vysvětlující patofyziologii a komplikace cirhózy
References[edit | edit source]
Kategorie:Vnitřní lékařství Kategorie:Gastroenterologie Kategorie:Patologie