Decerebrate rigidity

From WikiLectures

Decerabrate position

Decerebrate rigidity arises from a bilateral lesion at the level of mesencephalon or caudal diencephalon. It is the result of removing the influence of the inhibitory part of the descending reticular formation. This will increase the tone of the extensors. Rather than rigidity, this is extension spasticity. Upper limbs are extended, the forearm is in pronation, the wrist is in flexion. The lower limbs are extended. Opisthotonus may occur.[1]


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  1. AMBLER, Zdeněk. Základy neurologie. 6. edition. Praha : Galén, 2006. 351 pp. ISBN 80-7262-433-4.

Used literature

  • AMBLER, Zdeněk. Základy neurologie. 6. edition. Praha : Galén, 2006. 351 pp. ISBN 80-7262-433-4.