
From WikiLectures

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This article was marked by its author as Under construction, but the last edit is older than 30 days. If you want to edit this page, please try to contact its author first (you fill find him in the history). Watch the discussion as well. If the author will not continue in work, remove the template {{Under construction}} and edit the page.

Last update: Monday, 29 May 2023 at 8.51 am.

Pseudotumors are false Tumors –pathological changes that macroscopically resemble a tumor (mainly swelling – a tumor), but etiologically and microscopically they are not tumors. These are mostly images detected in the clinic (by physical examination or imaging methods).

Is part of them:

Inflammatory pseudotumor (Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT)
  1. Cysts
  2. Inflammatory pseudotumor
  3. atypical ongoing Progressive changesHypertrophy, Hyperplasia, Hyperregeneration
  4. pathological deposition of foreign material - macroscopically gives the impression of a tumor, e.g. deposition of amyloid, urates (gouty tophi), mucus (ganglion) or fat (xanthelesmata)
  5. Disorders of embryonic development –​​ hamartia, choristia
  6. polyp


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