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Anemia (anaemia) is a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood. We follow the set limits for the specified age and gender. For men, the hemoglobin standard is 136–176 g/l and for women this value is 120–168 g/l. Anemia is often associated with decreased erytrocyt and hematocrit levels. It can also be a symptom that occurs in some pathological conditions. [1]
Causes of anemia[edit | edit source]
- Increased erythrocyte losses (hemolysis, bleeding).
- Decreased erythrocyte production (stem cell disorders; lack of erytropoietin, vitamn B12, folic acid).
- Increase in plasma volume – so-called relative (dilution) anemia.
Anemic syndrome[edit | edit source]
- Set of symptoms accompanying anemia:
- pale skin and mucous membranes;
- fatigue, decreased physical performance;
- shortness of breath during exertion;
- tachycardia, circulatory insufficiency (from myocardial hypoxia).
- In addition, in hemolytic anemias, manifestations of hemolysis – hemoglobinemia , hemoglobinura (up to hemoglobinuric nephrosis), decrease in haptoglobin levels, hemosideróza, hemosiderosis, ikterus, formation of pigmented gallstones.
Classification of anemias[edit | edit source]
Morphological[edit | edit source]
- Normocytic (MCV 80–95 fl, or erythrocyte diameter 7–8 μm) – after acute bleeding, aplastic anemia, some hemolytic anemia;
- Macrocytic (MCV over 95 fl, or erythrocyte diameter over 8 μm) – lack of vit. B12 or folic acid;;
- Microcytic (MCV below 80 fl, or erythrocyte diameter below 7 μm) – Fe deficiency, spherocytosis, thalassemia , after chronic bleeding;
- Normochromic (MCHC 300–350 g/l) – after acute bleeding;
- Hypochromic (MCHC below 300 g/l) – Fe deficiency, thalassemia;;
- Hyperchromic (MCHC over 350 g/l) – lack of vit. B12.
Patogenetic[edit | edit source]
Anemia from increased erythrocyte loss[edit | edit source]
- Congenital:
- erythrocyte structure disorders (hereditary spherocytosis);
- enzymopathy (Glc-6-β-dehydrogenase, pyruvate kinase, hexokinase deficiency);
- hemoglobinopathy (sickle cell disease, thalassemia);
- Acquired ::
- mechanical causes;
- toxic hemolysis;
- osmotic hemolysis;
- production of antibodies or autoantibodies;
- hypersplenism.
Anemia from decreased erythrocyte production[edit | edit source]
- erytropoietin deficiency;
- lack of factors necessary for erythropoiesis (proteins, iron – sideropenic anemia, vitamin B12, folic acid);
- hematopoietic tissue disorder;
- anemia of chronic diseases
Microcytic anemia investigation algorithm[edit | edit source]
- serum ferritin level decreased → iron deficiency anemia
- serum ferritin level normal or elevated → LDH and haptoglobin
- normal → anamnesis, clinic, inflammatory indicators
- positive → anemia of chronic diseases
- negative → bone marrow puncture
- positive → myelodysplastic syndrome, subtype of refractory anemia with annular sideroblasts
- negative → anemia of chronic diseases
- pathologica → hemoglobin electrophoresis , molecular genetic testing, blood smear → alpha-thalassemia, beta-thalassemia
- normal → anamnesis, clinic, inflammatory indicators
Algorithm for distinguishins iron deficiency anemia from fronic disease anemia[edit | edit source]
biochemical and clinical signs of inflammation → transferrin saturation <20%
- serum ferritin < 30 μg/l → iron deficiency anemia
- serum feritin ferritin 30–100 μg/l → soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR)
- sTfR / log ferritin > 2 → iron deficiency anemia with iron deficiency
- sTfR / log ferritin 1–2 → ?
- sTfR / log ferritin < 1 → anemia of chronic diseases
- sérový ferritin > 100 μg/l → anemia of chronic diseases
Algorithm for investigating normocytic anemia[edit | edit source]
- signs of bleeding → anemia from bleeding
- no signs of bleeding → absolute reticulocyte count, reticulocyte index
- increased → LDH and haptoglobin
- normal → examination of the spleen
- enlarged → hypersplenism
- normal → bleeding anemia
- LDH increased and haptoglobin decreased → hemolytic anemia
- normal → examination of the spleen
- normal or decreased → differential blood count , blood smear
- pathological → bone marrow puncture → leukemia, aplastic anemia, bone marrow infiltration by solid tumor or lymphoma, plasmacytoma, myelodysplastic syndrome, myeloproliferative syndrome
- inconspicuous → creatinin
- increased → renal anemia
- normal
- anamnesis, clinic, inflammatory indicators → anemia of chronic diseases
- occult bleeding → bleeding anemia
- low or undetectable reticulocytes → serology parvovirus B19
- positive→ parvovirus B19 infection
- negative → pure red cell aplasia
- bone marrow puncture → leukemia, aplastic anemia, bone marrow infiltration by solid tumor or lymphoma, plasmocytoma, myelodysplastic syndrome , myeloproliferative syndrome
- TSH, calcium, phosphate, endocrinological examinations → hypothyroidism , hyperthyroidism , hypogonadism, hyperparathyroidism, panhypopituitarism
- increased → LDH and haptoglobin
Macrocytic anemia investigation algorithm[edit | edit source]
anamnestic alcohol, drugs, radiation
- yes → alcoholic-toxic anemiae, drug-induced macrocytic anemia, radiation-induced macrocytic anemia
- no → absolute reticulocyte count, reticulocyte index
- increased → hemolytic anemia, AIHA from cold agglutinins or thermal antibodies, bleeding compensation or bleeding anemia, hypersplenism
- reduced → vitamin B12 and folic acid
- reduced → lack of vitamin B12 or folic acid
- normal → blood smear
- pathological → bone marrow puncture → myelodysplastic syndrome, myeloproliferative diseases , non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, plasmocytoma, leukemia, aplastic anemia
- normal → liver values, liver sonography
- pathological → liver cirrhosis, chronic active hepatitis
- normal → TSH, fT3, fT4
- pathological → hypothyroidism
- normal → bone marrow puncture → myelodysplastic syndrome, myeloproliferative disease, non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, plasmocytoma, leukemia, aplastic anemia
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References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ ČEŠKA, Richard. Interna. 1. edition. Praha : Triton, 2010. 855 pp. pp. 656. ISBN 978-80-7387-423-0.
References[edit | edit source]
- SPANGENBERGER, Holger – MEUTHEN, Ingo. Anemie [online] . In Diferenciální diagnostika ve vnitřním lékařství. 1. české vydání. edition. Praha : Grada Publishing, 2010. 416 pp. pp. 62. Available from <>. ISBN 978-80-247-2780-6
- SPANGENBERGER, Holger – MEUTHEN, Ingo. Anemie. In Diferenciální diagnostika ve vnitřním lékařství. 1. české vydání. edition. Praha : Grada Publishing, 2010. 416 pp. pp. 77. ISBN 978-80-247-2780-6
- SPANGENBERGER, Holger – MEUTHEN, Ingo. Anemie [online] . In Diferenciální diagnostika ve vnitřním lékařství. 1. české vydání. edition. Praha : Grada Publishing, 2010. 416 pp. pp. 68. Available from <>. ISBN 978-80-247-2780-6
- ŠČUDLA, Vlastimil. Anémie chronických chorob [online]. Mladá fronta, ©2009. [cit. 2013-05-10]. <émie-chronickych-chorob-447150>.
- PASTOR, Jan. Langenbeck’s medical web page [online]. [cit. 12.4.2010]. <>.